More Events On This Day

Brian Wilson rolls tape on Good Vibrations, take one

Deadlock over presidential election ends

China invades Vietnam

Gromyko becomes foreign minister

Madame Butterfly premieres

Rudolf Agricola [Roelof Huysman] Dutch humanistorganist
Charles de Bourbon officergovernor (Lombardy)
Francis Duke of Guise French soldier and politician (d. 1563)
Fausto Poli Italian Catholic priest (d. 1653)
Pierre Le Pesant sieur de Boisguilbert French economist (d. 1714)
Arcangelo Corelli Italian violinistcomposer (Concerto Grossi) born in Fusignano Italy (d. 1713)
Georg Bronner German composer and organist born in Hamburg (d. 1720) baptismal date
Ernst Gottlieb Baron composer born in Breslau Silesia
Hans Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff German architect (Sanssouci)
Matthew Tilghman American Continental Congressman (d. 1790)
Tobias Mayer method of lunars for longitude determination
Horace B de Saussure Swiss physicistgeologist
Friedrich M Klinger German playwright (Wirrwarr)
Jan Jachym Kopriva Czech composer and organist born in Ctoliby Czech Republic (d. 1792)
Raphaelle Peale American painter (After the Rain-1823)
Ren Lannec French physician who invented the stethoscope born in Quimper France (d. 1826)
Philipp Franz von Siebold German physician (d. 1866)
Samuel Read Anderson Brigadier General (Confederate Army) (d. 1883)
Haller Nutt Southern Plantation owner (d. 1864)
Henri Vieuxtemps Verviers Belgium composerteacher (Brussels Cons)
Elzar-Alexandre Taschereau Catholic cardinal (d. 1898)
William Farrar Baldy Smith American Major General (Union Army) born in St. Albans Vermont (d. 1903)
Gustavo Adolfo Bcquer Spanish poet (d. 1870)
Francis Jay Herron American Major General (Union Army) born in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (d. 1902)
Sam[uel] van Houten Dutch (lib) minister (child labor laws)
A Montgomery Ward found mail-order business (Montgomery Ward)
Louisa Lawson Australian suffragist and writer (d. 1920)
Otto Liman von Sanders German general in Turkey (WWI)
Samuel Sidney McClure Irish-American newspaper editorpublisher
Ernest Ford English composer born in Warminster Wiltshire (d. 1919)
Edward German (Jones) Whitchurch Shropshire British composer
Mori gai Japanese novelist and poet (d. 1922)
Fyodor Sologub Russian symbolist novelist and poet (d. 1927)
Feb 17 1461 Wars of the Roses Second Battle of St Albans - Lancastrian army defeats Yorkists and recapture King Henry VI
Feb 17 1500 Battle of Hemmingstedt - German peasant army repels ducal army of Schleswig and Holstein
Feb 17 1568 Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II agrees to pay tribute to the Ottoman Empire for peace